Thursday 21 May 2015

Time For An Update

Hey there friends, 

It's been a long time since I've posted, about five months, so here is a general update.

I have finished my Sociology GCSE. I have completed a 30 week course (two hours a week) and taken three exams. This is a major deal for me and I am quite happy with myself when I think about it, especially considering I didn't return to a cake decorating course after the first lesson about four months prior! I think having Jack take the Sociology course too helped massively with my confidence, without him I don't think I would have been able to do it. However, now I am on the look out for my next course, potentially alone, with my new found confidence. I get the results in August for my GCSE, keep your fingers crossed for me please!

I have also been doing online courses on - these are short, FREE courses that don't lead to a qualification, but are fantastic I think! I have completed a "Forensic Psychology - Eyewitness Investigation" course and am currently on Week 5 of "Psychology and Mental Health" and on Week 2 of "What is a Mind?" These courses are just right for me at this time. I can do my work in bed on my laptop and I can cope with the workload. I have just submitted a short assignment, which when my brain fog disappeared for a while, I completed, much to my surprise. It's been a long time since I've done an assignment! I have another assignment for "What is a Mind?" which hopefully my brain will allow me to complete by Sunday. I am surprising myself at what I am managing to do, despite this crappy illness and all of it's symptoms. I am moving forward. A few months ago I definitely wouldn't have been able to write an assignment. These are massive achievements for me. 

I am totally in love with my new car. It is a Motability car with a hoist that lifts my electric wheelchair in and out. It is AMAZING. No more back breaking work for my family or Jack lifting my 70kg chair, the hoist just comes along and picks it up, its fantastic. I am now able to go out on my own, in my car and then get my chair out, and do my own thing. I no longer have to depend on people to take me out, push me around, lift my chair or do anything. I have some independence back and it's truly brilliant. However, due to the nature of the illness, I haven't done anything on my own yet I don't think as I've been too exhausted, however I have been out with people and got my chair out by myself and not had to rely on anyone. It feels amazing. If you need a Motability car and currently don't have one, go get one! 

Finally, I have started having counselling, I'm getting into photography and my beautiful Mother bought me a little camera to practise with and I've been in contact with old friends which feels great! 

I hope to post next week.

Have a good weekend guys.

Take care,

Rachie xxx

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